Switch premiered in October 2022 with a festival featuring four brand new shows from five artists with connections to Peterborough. For each of these artists, Switch was their first opportunity to work with professional creative teams to bring their work to life.

We would love for Switch to become an annual programme, offering early career artists the opportunity to develop a piece of work with professional performers, directors, designers and technicians. Our first five Switch artists spent 6 months writing, developing, playing, composing and building with the mentorship of our creative team. In early 2023 we will be running creative development workshops (starting with stage combat!). Then, later next year we will be applying for a large funding bid to allow us to open up this programme to more artists over the coming years. If you have an idea, or a burning passion to start an idea, if you’re not sure if you have an idea, or if you want to have an idea but you don’t know where to get one from, follow our socials and keep checking back in our upcoming events for opportunities, training courses, events and more!

Past Events

Switch Festival 2022

Performed on Sunday 2nd October at the Key Theatre, Peterborough

It’s Hard To Kill Joan Steele

A parody of bad action movies; think “Die Hard, on a shoestring”! Yasmin has devised this show based on her love of terrible 80s action movies. Expect silliness, shootouts and supervillains!

Concept by Yasmin Gibson

Featuring Yasmin Gibson and Richard Parnwell

Directed by Tom Fox

“It’s Hard to Kill Joan Steele” song by James Pepper

Props by Lee Gibson and Yasmin Gibson

Funny faces by Richard Parnwell

We Can’t Keep Going in Circles

A moving two-hander inspired by the true story of Rae’s family moving to the UK as a child, based on interviews and diary extracts from her Mother. Rae’s lyrical script transports you from England to Lithuania and back again via airport lounges, forbidden garages and busy markets.

Written by Rae Nase

Featuring Rae Nase and Lianne Harvey

Directed by Becky Owen-Fisher

Peppermint Teabags Can Go In the Bath

An exposing, honest and revealing examination of an overactive mind. What happens if you have too many things to say? A post covid, mid recession, mid twenties creative breakdown, with a can of Monster!

Written by Kevey Bow

Featuring Kevey Bow

Directed by Tom Fox


Headliners is a re-imagined version of Hansel and Gretel - where the siblings, dreaming of being singers, are swept into the clutches of the temptation of fame and fortune.

Book and Lyrics by George Lacey

Music by Richard Seaman

Featuring Jeremy Cobb, Sophie Coward, Mark McCredie, Denise Pitter

Directed by George Lacey

Musical Direction by Richard Seaman