Devised by the Company
Music by Rebecca Applin
Lyrics by Becky Owen-Fisher
Additional lyrics by Rebecca Applin & Sam Sommerfeld
Performer Tom Fox
Producer / Dramaturg /
Stage Manager / Narrator Becky Owen-Fisher
Co-Director Richard Parnwell
Co-Director &
Clown Consultant Mercé Ribot
Composer Rebecca Applin
Musical Director Sam Sommerfeld
People Puppet Construction Dan Cook
Alien Puppet Construction Lee Gibson
& Yasmin Gibson
& Lighting Design Adam Fox
Sewing Maddie Fisher
Puppet Consultation James Blake-Butler (of System of Strings)
Production photography by Thomas Byron Photography
Thanks to Aly Tipping, Eastern Angles, Sarah Saxby, Abey Bradbury, Emma Martin, Chris Warner, Union Theatre London, Town and Gown Theatre Cambridge, Quarry Theatre Bedford & BedFringe.
Supported by Arts Council England.